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As you can imagine, here at That Amazing Place, we tend to hear a variety of marriage proposal stories. No one is ever the same as the other. While more than one may take place in a restaurant, there’s always a different story behind each one and that’s what we love the most. Now of course, there’s no wrong way to ask the person you love to marry you but there are a few do’s and don’ts you might want to stick to. So here are our top tips to ensure your proposal goes off without a hitch…or with a hitch…whichever way you look at it.

DO make it mean something

You may not be the most sentimental of people but if ever there were a time for getting sentimental, this would be it. Think back to all those big moments throughout your relationship, whether they’re super funny moments or super romantic, and revisit them. Go back to the place you first kissed, the place you first said those special three words or even the place you first set eyes on each other. It’ll make your special day even more so.


DON’T try to be trendy

We know that proposing at the latest restaurant in town would of course be a great story to tell but would it be “your” story? More to the point, will today’s hotspot be tomorrow’s old news? We think so. Choosing that special place to ask the most important question of your life should be less about what’s hot and more about where’s important to you. If you don’t have a special place where you’d like to pop the question then why not choose somewhere such as a historical monument where you’ll always be able to return to?


DO consider whether it should be private or public

While some may want the spotlight when you propose, others may simply want a personal proposal. A great example of this would be my very own proposal, in the private surroundings of my own home, just the two of us. It was quite simply – perfect! Friends however, have preferred the tropical surroundings of the beach or in front of friends and family. It’s all down to personal preference but is a hugely important factor to consider.


DON’T let the cat out the bag

The more friends and family know, the more chance you have of your special someone finding out so try to keep things as quiet as possible. Ensure people know only what they need to know and not necessarily what they want to know.


DO ensure you know where she’s coming from

We mean this in the literal sense guys. So, if you’re planning to propose, make sure you know if she’s coming straight from the gym. Think about things. Would she prefer to have a shower first before you pop the question? Will everyone be waiting to jump out and shout surprise? Then you may want to choose a weekend day where she won’t feel so…sweaty perhaps?


DO share the news

Last but most certainly not least, make sure you share the news with those nearest and dearest to you. Call and visit both sets of parents before broadcasting your news all over social media too. Marriage means putting your family first so start as you mean to go on.


Image Source: Pixabay