country house wedding

Our Amazing Wedding Venue

Whether it’s a case of keeping up with the Jones’s or just simply that in this day-and-age, weddings are about splashing the cash; weddings on a smaller budget seem to have gained a reputation for being substandard. Here at That Amazing Place however, we’re here to tell you that couldn’t be further from the truth, especially with our top tips to help you give your country house wedding a million dollar feel.

Less is more – as they say, the enemy of elegance is clutter so when it comes to your wedding décor, we always suggest you stick to the mantra of “less is more”. Keep things streamlined and the overall look nice and simple as opposed to trying to create a huge amount of self-made details. Keep things white, ivory and all shades of grey and you’ll ensure elegance and simplicity all the way.

Be strategic with your floral arrangements – flowers are essential for any wedding but they’re also an area in which bills can quickly start to add up. Thankfully, there are ways to help keep the bills low and that’s by adopting a strategic attitude about where you’ll be placing the flowers and which flowers in particular to select. Scrimping on flowers on each table will ultimately disappoint you but you can cut down on flowers in other areas of the venue. Invest in one large statement piece that everyone will see when they walk into the venue and you’ll feel a lot happier while your wallet remains full.

Keep a lid on your guest list – instead of throwing a lavish wedding for hundreds and hundreds of people on a small budget, why not crop the guest list and let your budget spread further with fewer guests? You’ve no doubt heard of the term, spreading it thin? That’s exactly what you’ll be doing with too many guests, so cut the list of your country house wedding and enjoy more to spend on fewer people. Make it an intimate and unforgettable experience.

Indulge your creative side – though we strongly advise opting for a solely DIY feel; indulging your creative side a little could be a winning decision. Think invitations and even seating cards. You can find creative ways to take on these beautiful projects and give your wedding a very personal feel. If you don’t have a creative bone in you (and believe us, there are some out there who feel this way) then it may be the perfect time to call on your most creative friend.

Make a grand entrance – it’s important that you know your guests probably won’t remember an inexpensive linen, nor will they remember a lack of flowers here and there but they will remember their entrance into your wedding. Make their entrance something to remember with striking flowers, candles and other elaborate décor. Keeping this at the entrance will be the best place for them to really see and remember it. Always remember the entrance and exit of each event space.

Here at That Amazing Place, we have the perfect option for those looking to keep within their budget in the form of our Twilight Wedding Package. For more information, simply contact us today.